How to Prepare for 2021 in Your ASC

It's been a challenging year for Ambulatory Surgery Centers. The unprecedented spread of a new virus, financial woes for patients, and continuing changes in how insurance companies treat ASCs for outpatient surgery have all had their impact. Moving into 2021, the success of any ASC hinges on preserving patient safety and satisfaction.  

Here's What ASCs Learned from 2020

There were several unexpected issues in 2020 that have impacted the health care industry, and Ambulatory Surgery Centers in particular, in profound ways. If ASCs were paying attention, they have learned some valuable lessons to apply to the coming year to ensure they continue to operate smoothly.

The Ultimate Accreditation Guide

Accreditation is a daunting process that most facilities dread. We put together a guide to help you feel as prepared as possible.

Why Payment Plans Are a Must

The twofold goal of every ASC is the same: provide excellent ambulatory care, increase revenue. When we think of growing revenue, we often focus only on filling up the OR and working more efficiently. But payment plans are a crucial way to avoid leaving money on the table. 

The Ultimate Checklist for Choosing a Vendor Management Solution

Complex surgeries like spine and total joint replacement were once the exclusive domain of hospitals because of the long post-op recovery times and the massive amount of equipment and implants needed. With new anesthesia techniques, these surgeries have made the leap to ambulatory surgery centers. For some ASC’s, this move has created a logistical nightmare.

3 Areas that are Costing your ASC Unnecessary Money

Across healthcare, increasing quality and decreasing costs are two common goals. To keep your ASC running efficiently, it’s crucial to cut the fat. Where are you spending money that you don’t need to be spending? Here are 3 areas to think about as we enter into the new year.

And the winner is ...

The first ever ASC Everyday Heroes Program has officially come to a close; and we have a winner!

ASC Everyday Hero Top 3 Finalists

In August, our team announced The Ambulatory Surgery Everyday Heroes Program which was created to recognize, honor and celebrate the remarkable ASC professionals who have overcome incredible challenges, gone above and beyond their role, and touched the lives of so many.

The Perks of a Patient Communication Solution

Best Practices: Total Joint Surgery in an ASC

Outpatient total joint replacements are becoming more and more attractive to patients. Particularly in a post-COVID-19 world, patients are attracted to the idea of at-home recovery and a shorter length-of-stay in the acute setting. As demand rises, outpatient joint replacements are expected to increase by nearly 80% over the next few years. Your ASC can meet this increasing demand by optimizing and implementing best practices now for total joint surgery.